A French Kiss is a highly sought after cocktail made of a very distinct blend of two very carefully wetted and willful lips mixed together with the tongues to stir and reach the depths of the passion fruits under an amorous setting. Best served and enjoyed in intimate situations ie sunset, beach, park bench, closets spaces, under bridges, in parked cars, under the mistletoe, on picnic mats, and so on mostly ending in blood rushing up and down the brain and other delicate parts in uninformed yet alarming degrees.
This cocktail though barely alcoholic has the intoxicating effects of 3 bottles of vodka flirt under a long nasal draw of the narcotic menace of Cocain.
Hence explaining perfectly the reason for the absurd spikes in heart beats.
In the cases of the young or if you may first timers the French Kiss tend have effects such as momentary loss of focus, imaginary scenes leading to broader smiles and laughter and greater energy spikes.
These effects even sports men and women only experience in bits after winning gold. The effects are best achieved under very favorable conditions such as sharing the cocktail with a highly desired partner, in a soothing degree of jasmine laced cologne in a mutually desired place of convenience which widely varies across cultures and ages as the very drops that make the sea.
Persons who patronize this cocktail tell of compare the feeling to that of having fireworks go off in your head whiles your legs disappear wriggly like a jelly fish lost in space.
Coherently the French Kiss is mostly enjoyed in the following situations
- After what turns out to have been a very very successful date.
- A triumphant seal of a marriage agreement.
- A triumphant return of a beloved from a journey. And in very rare but highly possible occasions since I write from experience.
- Total strangers engaging in their very first conversation properly and much politely.
The French Kiss remains the most preferred cocktail and don't be hesitant to share a few with a much deserving companion
The Cocktail named French Kiss
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